Rhodes University Anthropology Department Masters & PhD Degrees
Masters & PhD
Admission into Masters requires a good second class pass at Honours level, preferably in anthropology, although students with honours from a cognate discipline will be considered. Admission to a PhD degree will require a Masters degree in anthropology, or if approved by the Head of Department, from a cognate discipline. Acceptance will depend on the availability of suitable supervision expertise in the chosen field of study of any prospective applicant. A full thesis (for which fieldwork will normally be required) on any approved topic within the field of Social or Cultural Anthropology is expected for both Masters and PhD.
Periods of residence for consultation with the supervisor are required over the period (usually two years for the MA, three years for the PhD).
Research proposals (5 pages at Masters level and 8 pages at PhD level) should preferably be finalised within 6 months of registration. On completion, the proposal must be presented to the departmental review committee, followed by submission to the Humanities Faculty Higher Degrees Committee for approval.
For further information regarding supervision availability for specific areas of research please follow the links to the individual staff members. Enquiries for potential supervisors can be directed to the individual staff members whose research areas are most suited to your interests, and should be accompanied with the following:
- A full curriculum vitae and copies of academic transcripts
- A 3-5 page motivation and outline of the research you wish to pursue
- An indication if you have funds available to cover your fees, research and living expenses
For more information on current post-graduate student research and profiles click on RESEARCH link.