Rhodes University Centre for Social Development (CSD) About Us
Vision & Mission Statement
The CSD envisions vibrant communities that take responsibility for the early childhood developmental needs of their children, as a foundation for achieving human potential. The CSD facilitates the development of early childhood communities and imparts skills to Practitioners to strengthen community owned initiatives. Our Practice is based on a caring professionalism that builds relationships which affirm and support the ability of people to arrive at their own solutions.
History of CSD
The CSD was started in August 1981 by Thelma Henderson, the then wife of the Vice Chancellor of Rhodes University. It’s initial purpose was as an out reach arm of the University, specifically geared towards Early Childhood Development (ECD) in the townships of Grahamstown. This largely consisted of providing ECD centres and support to existing schools. The CSD also functioned in the domain of Community Development through supporting the needs of the impoverished communities in and around Grahamstown. Over the passage of time the CSD’s role has evolved to include in-service training for both ECD and CD practitioners; the development of an intergrated programme to train both CD and ECD practitioners collaboratively; a unique career path that facilitates the academic progression of ECD practitioners into the Universities suite of qualifications and finally additional projects such as mentorship of local teachers and a toy library with a special focus on learners with disabilities. The CSD is a self funded institute that falls under the Faculty of Education and as such is engaged in much needed research in foundation phase.
Newsletter 2013-2014
Annual Report 2014
Annual Report 2015
CSD Brochure
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