Rhodes University Undergraduate Anthropology Course 3

Rhodes University Undergraduate Anthropology Course 3

Anthropology 3

A largely seminar focussed course, which offers additional ethnographic and thematic perspectives, and pursues the craft of anthropology in greater depth (including both its theoretical approaches and methodological practices). Courses vary depending on specialist lecturer availability and interests but common topics include:

Theory and Practice

The first semester is usually dedicated to an analysis of key readings in the development of anthropological theory and ethnographic practice, including training in research methodology and preparation for independent field research.

Anthropological Perspectives on Heritage

Anthropological perspectives on cultural and natural heritage; theoretical approaches, policy interventions and management principles.

Gender and Sexuality

Explores the contributions anthropology has made in the study of gender and sexuality.

Medical Anthropology

Explores anthropology’s contributions to understanding the epidemiology of disease and cross-cultural perspectives on illness and healing.

Applied Anthropology

Examines how anthropologists have applied their knowledge and insights across a broad range of social and scientific fields.