Rhodes University Compcare Health

Rhodes University Compcare Health

CompCare Student Brochure 2018

CompCare Wellness Student Application

For more Information about the Medical Aid Plans available to students, please enquire at the following:

Compcare Health

All queries are to be directed to Nicky Gouws
Email: nicky.gouws@universal.co.za
Tel (Reception): +27 (0)41 364 2305
Tel (Nicky’s Office): +27 (0)41 364 2305
Address: 232 Cape Road
Port Elizabeth

Website:  www.studentplan.co.za
Scheme number: 011-208 1000
Pre-authorisation number: 0860 111 090

Help desk every second week

Compcare Health Representatives run a help desk every second week at Rhodes during term time to answer queries in person. The dates of their visits are up in the International Office and posted under Important Notices on the main page of the International Office website.