Rhodes University Economics Research Dissertations

Rhodes University Economics Research Dissertations


Masters in Financial Markets

DE ANGELIS, C. The functioning of the interbank market and its significance in the transmission of monetary policy. Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University

AKPAN, I.W, 2003. The Grameen Bank microcredit model and its relevance for South Africa. Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University

BALLIM, G.H, 2003. Interest rate behaviour in a more transparent South African monetary policy environment. Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University

COSSER,L.E, 2003. Asset prices and inflation-targeting: implications for South Africa. Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University

GARABA, M, 2002. The current role of modern portfolio theory in asset management practice in South Africa. Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University

MABHUNU, M, 2002. The market efficiency hypothesis and the behaviour of stock returns on the jse securities exchange. Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University

NGAUJAKE, U, 2002. Protecting depositors and promoting financial stability in south africa: is there a case for the introduction of deposit insurance ? Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University

PATEL , A, 2002. Development of the south african monetary banking sector and money market. Unpublished. Grahamstown: Department of Economics, Rhodes University