Rhodes University Undergraduate Law Tutorials and Academic Development
Tutorials and Academic Development
The Law Faculty at Rhodes offers all students an integrated academic development programme aimed at bridging the gap between school and university and assisting students in realising their full academic potential. The programme takes three forms:
All students who register for Legal Theory 1, Legal Theory 2 and Commercial Law 1 are required to attend tutorial sessions, in addition to the lecture programme. Attendance at Tutorials is compulsory (a DP requirement) and forms an integral component of the Legal Theory 1, Legal Theory 2 and Commercial Law 1 courses.
The Tutorial programme is aimed at the development of research and writing skills and basic computer literacy. In so far as the Legal Theory 1 programme is concerned, there is also emphasis on the development of oral skills.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a free, voluntary, student-driven programme designed to support courses that have a reputation for being academically demanding. SI is offered to students registered for Legal Theory 1.
SI enables students to master course content while developing effective learning and study strategies. SI is for all students, and statistics show that students who regularly attend SI sessions tend to get better results than those who do not.
The ADP programme is a voluntary programme designed for all students to assist them to realise their full academic potential and to assist with the academic transition from school to university. The programme takes the form of voluntary group tutorial sessions and/or individual consultations with an Academic development Specialist Lecturer. The ADP programme is only offered to Legal Theory 1 students.