Rhodes University Scholarships and Bursaries

Rhodes University Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships and Bursaries

Students need to submit a motivation for the scholarship/bursary for which they would like to apply. Scholarships and bursaries are awarded on the basis of merit and need.

The application letter should include:

a) the award(s) for which you are applying, and

b) a brief motivation for financial assistance.

Applications should be handed in to Denétha Peters or emailed to d.peters@ru.ac.za before

30 November 2018

1st year BMus Bursary

Awarded to a student in the first year of their BMus studies. This bursary is worth approximately R20, 000.00.


The Rhodes University Charles Bryars Scholarship

Normally intended for those planning on studying organ as a major instrument all instruments are considered eligible while studying for one of the following degrees: BMus, BA or BSc. This bursary is worth approximately R40, 000.00.


Robert B Lloyd Bursary

Awarded on the recommendation of the Head of Department of Music to a promising male student in the BMus degree course. If there is no eligible student in this category consideration will be given to a student registered for a Masters degree or higher in music. The amount for this bursary is approximately R10.000.00.


Rupert Onderwysstigting Prize

Awarded on the recommendation of the Head of Department, this bursary is worth approximately R1,500.00.

Lamond Paterson Scholarship

This is for third and/or fourth year students only. The amount per year is approximately R7 500.00.

The recipient must display talent for performing classical music composed before the year 1950, particularly in Solo Recital or in Chamber Music.


Betty Shuttleworth Bursary

Outstanding Piano Performance for advanced students. Award is made on the recommendation of the HoD. This award is worth approximately R500.

Raymond Pullen

Administered by the Research Office, this award is made on the recommendation of the Head of Department. This is only applicable for postgraduate (MMus and PhD) students. The amount for this bursary is around R60, 000.00 Applicant wishing to be considered, must submit evidence of other funding received. It is awarded for up to MMus2 and PhD3.


Grahamstown Training College Fund

The value of the bursary is approximately R15 000.00

Stephen McFarlane Tenor Scholarhip

This bursary is awarded to a promising male tenor student. The value of the bursary is R2, 000.00

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