Student Travel Award

Student Travel Award

Student Travel Award

to attend International Conferences and Field Excursions in Plant Ecology

Rhodes Travel Award Plant Ecology 2018


  • Honours, Master’s or Doctoral degree in Botany or similar related discipline.
  • Applicants must be registered at Rhodes University or the University of Pretoria.
  • Applicants must have registered for a forthcoming international conference and have had a paper or poster?paper on any aspect of plant ecology (including fields such as ecophysiology, evolutionary ecology, molecular ecology, plant?animal interactions, vegetation science, conservation ecology or restoration ecology) accepted for presentation at the conference.
  • The criterion for making the award will be academic merit, as well as a motivated desire to meet with overseas colleagues or visit vegetation types /specific studies in the host country.

Maximum Value: R 30,000

Application: Applications must be submitted by email to

The application must comprise:

  • A short (~ 300 words) motivation why the conference attendance should be supported (making a case for academic merit of the work being presented and the choice of conference and, where applicable, field excursion).
  • Details of the funds applied for (costs of registration for the conference, field excursion(s), travel and accommodation, other).
  • Supporting documents such as quotations for airfares, registration costs, conference information, acceptance of abstract.
  • A letter of support from your supervisor or head of department.

Tenure: Maximum of 3 weeks’ absence from South Africa.

Closing Date: CLOSED

Application and further details from: Post Graduate Funding, Research Office, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6140. Email:

See also  Call for Applications - PhD/Doctoral Scholarship
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